
Happy New Year!!

2019 was about lessons.

This year taught me a lot about how to cope with situations, taught me a lot about people, friends and family.

Taught me how to differentiate between what’s important and what’s not, what I need and what I don’t.

Who to keep around you when you’re going through rough times.

My energy going into 2020 will be different.

Trying to be a better person and just grow from experiences.


I want to wish you all a very happy and safe new year!

Happy New Year 2016

Deseo que cuando suene el reloj todos puedan sonreír de verdad por un ratito aunque sea, abrazar a alguien a quien quieran mucho, escuchar música q los ponga contentos y soñar que todo puede ser mejor.
Después de todo de eso se tratan los principios no? De soñar…
Los abrazo fuerte.
Feliz año.
Dios los bendiga a todos.
